Accept Apple Pay on iOS
If you have a native iOS App you can use Tyro Apple Pay SDK to easily accept Apple Pay payments.
Please familiarise yourself with the guide to Accept an Online Payment, as the steps outlined in this document builds upon the existing knowledge.
Tyro Apple Pay SDK is internally configured to hit different environments based on your building mode
- DEBUG: sandbox
- RELEASE: production
Integration Steps
1. Configure Your iOS App
Make sure your app is running iOS 16+
2. Add Tyro Apple Pay SDK
The SDK has been developed as a Swift Package and it is hosted on Github. Open the Tyro Pay Api iOS and follow the step to add it to your project.
3. Add The Apple Pay Button
Follow Apple's guidelines to add the Apple Pay button to your App's UI.
4. Create a TyroApplePay
- Create an instance of the
. - Provide the configuration which includes the merchant identifier you should have previously setup on the Apple developer center.
Click here for help setting up your merchant id
// Swift Sample Code
let tyroApplePay = TyroApplePay(config: TyroApplePay.Configuration(
merchantIdentifier: "merchant.tyro-pay-api-sample-app", // Your merchant id registered for the app on apple developer center
allowedCardNetworks: [.visa, .masterCard]
5. Verify if Apple Pay is available for user
Before you display the Apple Pay button, use the available static methods isApplePayAvailable
or canSetupCard
to determine if Apple Pay is available for the user.
if TyroApplePay.isApplePayAvailable() {
if TyroApplePay.canSetupCard([.visa, .masterCard]) {
6. Include the PayWithApplePayButton, trigger the payment and handle the results
- Obtain the
by creating a PayRequest from your server. - Invoke
tyroApplePay.startPayment(paySecret: paySecret)
to start Apple Pay. - Handle the results
// Swift Sample Code
PayWithApplePayButton {
Task.detached { @MainActor in
do {
let result = try await tyroApplePay.startPayment(paySecret: paySecret)
switch result {
case .cancelled:
print("ApplePay cancelled")
case .success:
print("payment successful")
} catch is TyroApplePayError {
print("payment failed")
Error Cases
Error | Description |
.applePayNotReady | Thrown in case Apple Pay is not ready for the user. |
.failedWith(Error) | Thrown to handle errors coming from the Apple Pay API. |
.invalidPayRequestStatus | Thrown when the Pay Request Status validation fails. Valid pay request statuses are: AwaitingPaymentInput, AwaitingAuthentication, Failed. |
.unableToFetchPayRequest | Thrown when unable to fetch Pay Request. |
.payRequestNotFound | Throw when unable to find a pay request for the provided pay secret. |
.payRequestFailed | Thrown when pay request failed. |
.payRequestTimeout | Thrown when the returned pay request is still processing. |
.unknown | Thrown when pay request is in an unknown status. |