Error Types

Common Error Types

Common Error Types that can be encountered with either Tyro.js or TyroSDK.

Error typeDescription
CARD_ERROROccurs when there is an issue with the card provided.
SERVER_ERROROccurs when there is an error on the server. This should rarely happen and should quickly resolve.


Error Types define the type of error to expect on the frontend when something goes wrong. The following error types are returned:

Error typeDescription
CLIENT_VALIDATION_ERROROccurs when there is client validation error in the request.
SERVER_VALIDATION_ERROROccurs when there is server validation error in the request.

TyroSDK React Native

When the SDK encounters an error it will set tyroError.errorType to the corresponing error type seen below.

The types of errorTypes are:

tyroError Error TypesDescription
CLIENT_INITIALISATION_ERROROccurs when the client failed to initialise
PAY_REQUEST_ERROROccurs when there is a problem with the pay request validation or payment fails

Error Codes

Depending on the stage of the particular error, different error codes can be returned. Please refer to full list of supported Error Codes.

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