Pay Request statuses

Payments are asynchronous and rely on processes outside of our system. The Pay Request object keeps track of the following status changes during the payment flow.


When the Payment Request is first created, it will have the AWAITING_PAYMENT_INPUT status. At this point, the customer is yet to enter their payment details and submit the request.


Once the customer has entered their credit card details and submitted, Tyro's fraud detection engine is used to determine if 3D Secure should be used on this payment. The Pay Request will have the AWAITING_AUTHENTICATION status during the 3D Secure flow.


This status occurs after AWAITING_PAYMENT_INPUT or AWAITING_AUTHENTICATION depending on if 3D Secure was used. When the PROCESSING status is shown, the payment has been submitted and is currently processing. For card payments processing should only take seconds. However, other payment methods could take days to process. Hence the Pay Request could have the PROCESSING status for days.


The payment has successfully completed in the SUCCESS status. The funds have either been authorised or captured at this point.


The Pay Request will have the FAILED status if it has failed for any reason.


The Pay Request can be voided if funds have not been yet been captured. The VOIDED status indicates the Pay Request was voided and any authorised funds are returned.


The Pay Request will have the status PARTIALLY_REFUNDED when an amount less than the entire Amount has been returned to the customer.


The Pay Request will have the status of REFUNDED when the entire Amount has been returned back to the customer.

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