The environment in which the SDK gets initialised with. It is required to create an instance of TyroTapToPay
Also see ConnectionProvider.
This is used to test in a sandbox environment.
let tyroTapToPaySDK = try TyroTapToPay(environment: .sandbox, connectionProvider: connectionProvider)
environment required | TyroEnvironment Environment the SDK will be running in. |
connectionProvider required | ConnectionProvider Your class that implements the Connection Provider interface which makes a call to your server to fetch the |
This is used for production.
let tyroTapToPaySDK = try TyroTapToPay(environment: .prod, connectionProvider: connectionProvider)
environment required | TyroEnvironment Environment the SDK will be running in. |
connectionProvider required | ConnectionProvider Your class that implements the Connection Provider interface which makes a call to your server to fetch the |