Sandbox Testing
Obtain sandbox credentials and a merchant ID by contacting Tyro. Use your new credentials and merchant ID to test your integration in our sandbox environment.
Sandbox Features
The following features are supported in our sandbox environment.
- List Embedded Payments Locations.
- Create a Reader. Reader creation is restricted in our sandbox environment. The Reader returned will be preconfigured by Tyro, hence you might receive the same reader webhook notification multiple times per create request, this is expected behaviour. Optionally you can List Readers instead.
- Create a Embedded Payments connection with the returned Reader ID. This connection can be used to submit transactions using our Embedded Payments SDK on the sandbox environment.
- Authorise a Sandbox Merchant Id. This allows you authorise a merchant Id on the sandbox environment so you can test your Account Authorisation Integration.
Our sandbox environment currently provides the TAPTOPAY_READER_CREATED
Reader Webhook Event which returns preconfigured readers, and Merchant ID Authorisation Events (via the test endpoint Authorise a Sandbox Merchant Id), other webhook events are currently not supported. As a result, only a subset of the Account Authorisation flow can be tested on sandbox.
Testing Transactions
Use any card to test transactions from your mobile device. Transactions on the sandbox environment will not be charged.